I wish I'd woke up before I put my kids in school. Life will be better for her. Enjoy!
so recently it was my daughters b-day and my wonderful wife thought of a great idea....lets get her a cake.
so some family came to town and we did cake and a few gifts.
interesting developments as my wife and i have not been to the meetings in abouuuuuut a month....and have been incredibly irregukar in attendance the past six months.
I wish I'd woke up before I put my kids in school. Life will be better for her. Enjoy!
trying to fade... using the mentally depressed, bi-polar, etc.... was eating out with husband.
nice evening chatting and relaxing.
ready to head home and chill for the night.
And Sparrowdown, seeing this was your first post?? I'm honored.
trying to fade... using the mentally depressed, bi-polar, etc.... was eating out with husband.
nice evening chatting and relaxing.
ready to head home and chill for the night.
^^^^ love it^^^^ I'll keep telling myself that!!! Too funny.
HUbby was asked where we've been. Apparently he said "here in this county" and walked away. We're not doing this fade the right way I guess. hehehe
trying to fade... using the mentally depressed, bi-polar, etc.... was eating out with husband.
nice evening chatting and relaxing.
ready to head home and chill for the night.
I guess I work the "guilty as hell" look very well.
trying to fade... using the mentally depressed, bi-polar, etc.... was eating out with husband.
nice evening chatting and relaxing.
ready to head home and chill for the night.
Trying to fade... using the mentally depressed, bi-polar, etc...
Was eating out with husband. Nice evening chatting and relaxing. Ready to head home and chill for the night. Lock eyes with a JW! Quick wave and let hubby pay the bill as I try to slip out the door... I'm blocked by another JW, a quick "hi" and I slip by... panic! I let my husband take the heat! I'm chicken crap I guess... I'll let them chalk it up as I'm crazy. LOL. Have to laugh at myself. I know I'm going to have to learn how to be a bit less skitish looking. I probably looked like a rabbit trying to escape a pack of dogs...
as i grew up in the religion, i was a 10. i wanted to be made a "servant" because that was instilled in me from infancy.
i diligently studied ever piece of watchtower literature and defended my religion intensely.. when i got into my 30's, i started to see little cracks in the watchtower's surface but decided to "wait on jehovah".
then i started to research a little more critically and realized i couldn't defend the prophecies, the treatment of people and the hypocrisy that was becoming more obvious, that especially an elder can see.. it was a gradual thing---from a 10 to a zero!.
Started with a lot of zeal, convert 10... then after 20 something years, I was label spiritually weak. Now I realize I wasn't weak, I was just not buying into the crap anymore. Finally waking up, I'm a 0
what made you realize it was time to go?
i've been having health problems for the last few years and instead of any help, i'm listed as spiritually weak and of course associations is only my kids and husband.
all the good jw's have moved to other congregations and are doing well.
I posted this 12/10/2013 and I've not been back to the Khall since or a little before that date. Wow, how time goes by fast. Now if we could just avoid the vultures that are circling.
i am doing one of my dreams for a while: growing a beard.
it may not seem like much, but it's quite the experience for me.
it's probably a rite of passage from jw to exjw lol.. besides the itchyness, i hate it that it curls so much (i have hairs that naturally start to curl after a certain length).. anyone here have tips on taking care of a beard?
when hubby starts a new beard, he uses conditioner.
venting.... hubby visited with sil (with gotee intact), got the wt don't approve speech and the 'we've been missing you at the meetings".. he gave all the excuses he could for why we weren't there.
i'm at the point of just telling them the truth as why... but we will be giving up our grandchildren.
i just don't know if i can do it, give up the grandkids.
welp, DH has had a number of visits this week, 2 elders, , 2 brothers, at his work. One of each today. All with the questions... I feel so bad, I'm the one who woke up and he is the one having to deal with them... I told him he was my hero. I warned him this would happen. Now it's waiting on the do you believe GB is Jah's blah blah blah....
venting.... hubby visited with sil (with gotee intact), got the wt don't approve speech and the 'we've been missing you at the meetings".. he gave all the excuses he could for why we weren't there.
i'm at the point of just telling them the truth as why... but we will be giving up our grandchildren.
i just don't know if i can do it, give up the grandkids.
Thanks for making me laugh.